Celebrating our 2nd Anniversary

Written by Haley’s Mom, Heather

It’s hard to believe that we already celebrating our 2nd anniversary of the foundation and that Haley has been in Heaven for almost 3 years.  It seems like just yesterday we had a dream to do birthdays for kids in the hospital and 2 short years later, it is very evident that God had much bigger plans for us.

I thought Year 1 was a wild ride, but 2 Year was nothing short of amazing.  I could give you story after story of the amazing opportunities, interactions, and donors God has brought our way.  I am so thankful for His provision over the foundation and how we get to redeem Haley’s story by sharing her joy to thousands of patients every day.

I am thankful for every person and business that has financially donated to us.  Your generosity allows us to purchase all the amazing activities and supplies we need to bring Moments of Joy to patients.

I am thankful for all the volunteers that help at events, take deliveries, work on projects at home for us and everything in between.  I know time is such a valuable resource and I am thankful for you sharing yours with us.

I am thankful for my amazing team!  Brittany Ishmael, Rebecca Hutchinson and Amy Nobles are my dream team and I couldn’t do it without them.  Thank you so much for your dedication to my vision, crazy ideas and continuing Haley’s legacy to others.

The Haley Rasco Foundation has grown SO MUCH in Year 2, check out the impact we are having:

  • We have received $250,000 in cash donations and $46,000 in in-kind donations

  • We now serve 6 hospitals in Texas, 1 hospital in North Carolina, with more out-of-state hospitals are in the works

  • We serve 28 separate Child Life teams within these hospitals

  • We have delivered 836 Haley’s Happy Birthdays bags/boxes

  • We have delivered over 4,000 toys valued at $50,000

  • We have delivered 7,300 goody bags for various special events

  • We have delivered 3,700 pairs of sunglasses (one of Haley’s favorite things!)

  • Dixon and friend’s Lemonade Stands have raised over $22,000 since 2021

  • We have served 33 families through our Haley’s Holiday Helper programs and given them over $12,000 in Christmas gifts and decorations

  • We have held 22 events for patients in the hospital

  • We have driven over 9,600 miles for deliveries

  • Finally, we have reached over 15,500 patients with all our programs!

I know these are a lot of stats to share, but I still can’t get over them!  Every one of them points to the impact we are having on real patients and families that are going through a hard medical journey and we are so thankful to be along side them. 

I am honored to have the privledge to serve these patients, their families, and spread Haley’s legacy to patients just like her. Buckle up for Year 3!


2nd Annual Haley’s Happy Birthday Party