‘Loche and Donut Hole Day

Haley LOVED to eat sausage kolaches (which she called ‘Loches) and donut holes. Every Saturday Haley, her brother Dixon and her Dad would go get ‘Loches and donut holes at the local donut shop down the street. It quickly became one of her favorite activities and foods to eat.

On days where Haley would have procedures that required anesthesia she was not able to eat until after her procedure was over. Some days this would mean not eating all day. So as soon as she was down, her mom Heather let her pick whatever she wanted to eat. Some days it was McDonalds, but most days it was “Loches & donut holes on the way home.

On November 5, 2020 Haley had a super long day at the hospital with a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and multiple chemotherapies. On her way home of course she picked ‘loches & donut holes. Haley’s mom, Heather, loved to document every part of Haley’s journey. So when Haley was being especially silly at home eating her ‘loches & donut holes, she just had to capture it on video.

Because of Haley’s silliness and the #MomentOfJoy she was having while eating her ‘loches & donut holes that afternoon of November 5, 2020 we are declaring November 5th “Loche & Donut Hole Day!”

So this weekend have a ‘loche or donut hole with your family or friends and enjoy a sweet simple #MomentOfJoy. Tag us on facebook or instagram and use #LochesForHaley

The world is a sweeter place with more smiles like Haley.

Enjoy the video of Haley


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